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 Whiteverse Database

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PostSubject: Whiteverse Database   Whiteverse Database EmptyFri Apr 09, 2010 3:19 pm

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Whiteverse Database Empty
PostSubject: Re: Whiteverse Database   Whiteverse Database EmptyMon Apr 12, 2010 9:00 am

Jake's family, friends and acquaintances

Whiteverse Database A-busy-handsome-man_244x366

Harold Robinson

Mr. Robinson, Jake's father is a man in his mid fourties (46), whose face still retains his youthful appearance and body - vigor. His hair shows first signs of going grey at the temples, but it only adds to his 'Businessman' charm. Very self-confident man who has worked hard all his life and contributed a lot to his family's well-being. He set up his own business dealing with electronic goods. Even though he started as a petty salesman, now his company is quite well-known in the state. It is also the reason why he's hardly ever at home. He still thinks that once he's earned enough (how much is 'enough' then?), he will become less active in the company's dealings and finally take care of his wife and children. He is proud of his two sons' athletic careers and even more of David, because he has decided to study Business Management. He sees his company's vice-manager in his 21 years old son and is sure that this is the only possible way for him. He also encourages Jacob to pursue the same studies, so the company would become truly a family business.

Whiteverse Database Pretty_middle_aged_woman

Melinda Robinson

Jake's mother, Melinda is a nice and responsible (perhaps overly so) middle aged woman with a lot of things to take care of, especially with her husband being an almost non-existing figure in the life of their family, in her life, in their children's life. He is always busy at work and so all the real work - including, but not limited to, shopping, chores, all the menial tasks, cooking, bringing children up, educating them, talking with teachers about their children's academic progress, being friendly to neighbours... and probably many, many more. In spite of these difficulties she has stayed - or perhaps: because of those difficulties she has become - a strong woman with a remarkably strong convictions. Strict but kind. She always expects the best out of her sons, only the best. Unlike Harold, she doesn't want her children to go in her steps. She doesn't want to direct their future lives, either. She is there to guide them, not choose for them... It is hard to be a mother of two young adults, a wife of a workaholic and an accountant in a small company. The stresses are beginning to eat at her and so her elegant face is slowly starting to get wrinkled.

Whiteverse Database Hot_jock

David Robinson

Jake's brother, David ('Dave' to his friends) is a 21-years-old college guy who, as did his younger brother after him, used to play in the high school's football and baseball teams. From his looks alone it is possible to discern the familiarity between Jacob and David, many people actually have noticed it and told them of it. Their hair and eye colors are the same and the facial features are very similar, though Jake does look comparatively younger. Because of his fascination with various sports (though he was always most focused on football and baseball, the two traditional all-American sports) he is fit and has got a physique to be proud of. As for Dave's character - he's a kind person for whom family is a very important value. He was always very protective of his younger brother, always ready to stand for him or beat the crap out of those who wanted to hurt his lil' bro. Normally very charming, but Dave is quick to react in an abrupt manner. Even though he loves his family very much and they mean the world to him, he is glad to be out of his mother's care for once. She always limited him and his new independence is exactly what he needed to grow into a responsible adult. He's studying Business Management with minor in Political Sciences at the University of Seattle.

Whiteverse Database P_1876770

James Wings

James is one of Jake's friends with whom he quickly formed a bond on the field, the two always in perfect harmony when it came to playing football. His family is certainly numerous, as James is the third (but not last) child of the Wings. He's got two older sisters, Joan (22) and Jade (18), two younger brothers, twins Dairren and Derek (15) and four younger sisters, Iona (16), Eve (14), Natalie (12) and Sarah (10). As the eldest son of the family he holds much of the duties. It's not like he has a choice anyway. They're his family, he likes them, but really... he'd rather not take care of them. Unfortunately his parents, Elyssa and Damien are a hard-working couple, both in the city hall, to earn enough to feed their large family. It's up to the oldest to look after the younger siblings... Because of this James is often absent from school and has got some problems with the teachers who don't want to understand his situation. It's certainly not easy to put up with rebelious twins, a stuck-up elder sisters and babying the little ones.

Whiteverse Database DanCarter073b

Andrew Matts

Andrew is a very handsome jock, fit and muscled, with black hair (always modeled using some hair gel) and icy blue eyes. Those eyes are known for giving other people's glances of arrogance. He isn't a dick to everyone though. He carries himself with an air of power and wealth (his parents are very rich), but he is known to be a very good friend to those who can look through his usual behavior. Perhaps if he wasn't so jealous of Jake's being the coach's newest favorite, he wouldn't have been such an ass to him. But seeing him as a danger, he is keen on making his life hard, especially on trainings. his guy had despised him ever since he became the part of the team, because he used to be the star and now it was Jake's role to be one. He certainly had his fair share of attention though, because there were lots of scandals involving him and some of the hottest chicks in the school. When he broke up with one, he would soon find another's boobs to cry on. Fortunately, he's not brave enough to pick a real, physical fight. His weapon of choice are words at which usage he's quite good. He wants to become a professional footballer. He (almost) always hangs out with his dudes, Gene Blake and Ricardo ('Rick') Marquez.
Andrew's secret has been revealed! It seems that Andrew is gay and has fallen in love with Jake Robinson and that is the reason why he was tormenting him all this time, because he blamed him for turning him gay and thought that he would stop feel this way about him, if he saw that he was so much better than Jake. It didn't work out and thanks to his new-found powers Jake found out about it... and even changed the guy's mind on a few matters. Andrew and Jake even had a quick sexual encounter the following day.

Whiteverse Database Paul_Scholes

Gene Blake

Gene is probably Andrew's best friend, because he is always right beside him, along with Rick. He seems to be accustomed to taking orders from his 'friend' and doesn't really mind doing anything he tells him. At least that's what it looks like from Jake's perspective. He never actually had a chance to talk to the fellow one-on-one... not that he cared about it. Andy was an ass to him and Gene, by following him around and repeating after him some of his bullshit, was too. He isn't very bright either, but he's sure to get angry really quickly. While Andrew may be considered the brain of his group (damaged, but still a brain, right?) or perhaps better - a tongue, Gene is the muscle, because he's tall, athletic and quite stocky. His face is adorned with some freckles, he's got deep blue eyes and short red hair.

Whiteverse Database Andrade

Ricardo Marquez

Ricardo is the second of Andrew's 'crew'. He doesn't talk much, actually, he never talks (and when he does his thick Spanish accent is easily recognizeable), always leaving it to the 'boss' and repeating to Gene. He's the silent muscle, it seems, looking at his figure. He's tall and slim, but with a fair amount of muscle. His dark complexion and a Spanish-sounding name makes it clear he's Latino. He looks quite young from the face, with chocolate eyes and messy dark hair. Jake knows him even less than Gene - and he doesn't know Gene at all. From the little he has heard he comes from a family of Mexican immigrants who decided to start their lives anew in the United States.

Last edited by Erik on Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Whiteverse Database Empty
PostSubject: Re: Whiteverse Database   Whiteverse Database EmptyWed Apr 28, 2010 5:12 am


Whiteverse Database Punkersteamthewhiteking

Emmanuel Sin

Jake has successfully entered Emmanuel's mind and gathered all the missing pieces of his personality. He got to know a bit about his past too in the process, as well as he exercised his powers... a lot. Emmanuel is a devilishly handsome man in his late twenties or very early thirties with a body of a supermodel, muscled, but still slim. His face is almost perfect in every way - his eyes are icy blue, his hair sandy blond, creating the 'blond perfection' visage. He sports a blond goatee which makes him look even sexier than normally, of course, if it is possible. He seems to have been exercising quite a lot, but his real power is hidden in his brain, not his mind, because the man is a powerful dual psionic. He possesses a dual psionic potential, he's both telepathic and telekinetic. In both he is a master. As a telekinetic he can move objects using only his mind, erect telekinetic force fields, create invisible objects and constructs, as well as fly by levitating himself telekinetically. As a telepath his mastery of mind knows almost no boundries. One of the Earth's most powerful telepaths, Emmanuel can hear surface thoughts even without concentration, read minds, send his own thoughts, project any emotions or commands into people's minds, attack mentally - his psionic bolts are powerful enough to shatter a man's mind, leaving him unconscious or - if he so desires - dead. He can also repair other people's minds, influence their perceptions to appear differently or even create illusions in their minds (though he is not as good as Jason). After being discovered in his room, Jake could feel his sheer telepathic power, when Mr. Sin projected his mind into his psyche, scanned it and completely overtook the boy's neuro-system, inducing complete paralysis and blocking out his powers. During the massacre when the demonic girl manifested herself, he somehow destroyed the psionic entity called the Overshadow and then unlocked Anastacia's secondary mutation. He unleashed it and she surrounded herself with pure psionic energy in form of psychic flames. Of course, these are not his limits. No one knows them... perhaps even he himself.
Emmanuel is in some kind of relationships with both Jason and Dream. Or used to be, it's hard to say.
Even though Jake doesn't know much about the man, he managed to get a view on few things in his past. He saw his family - the Whites, so it seems that Sin is not his real name - his father Winston choosing his heir. He wanted to choose Emmanuel, but he declined and stormed out of the room, determined to find his own way. He has at least two other brothers - an older Adrien and a younger Christian. Later, Jake witnessed deaths of all his students attacked by a grey-skinned man, a pink-skinned teleporter, a feral mutant and some other mutants.
It seems that Emmanuel's mind was shattered by a woman called Adrienne. She betrayed him and sided with the government as he was 'fired'. He said that if it hadn't been for her psychic weaponry, he would have dealth with everything the army threw at him.

Whiteverse Database 1897102240 Whiteverse Database Jasonl

Jason Rand (Illusive Man)

Jason is a tall, fit, well-muscled man in his late twenties, handsome enough to become one of the top models if he ever wanted to stop such a career. He's got those sexy facial features, deep green eyes that are almost always full of strange happy glow and of course his short red hair. He sports a sexy red goatee. What makes him even more attractive is his cocky grin he usually has on his face. It certainly adds to his charm, it also shows his self-confidence. Of course, being a mutant with power to create 'phantasms' as he called it, no one can be entirely sure that this is his true appearance and not just another shape-shifting trick. According to what he told Jake about his mutant abilities, he is an illusionist of the highest order. He can create psionic illusions directly into people's mind. He said it was like projecting an image or a video right into someone's mind, only better. The area he can cover with his power is unknown, but his motto is Reality is what I make of it. It may or may not be true. It is yet to be revealed. He exhibited shape-shifting (illusory) abilities - he has transformed into Sam Worthington and Keira Knightley (while in her form he said he had no idea how she could walk with those big boobs of hers). His favourite trick is to turn invisible and completely silent. He can easily extend it to other people.
Jason is a nice, outgoing guy who is perhaps a bit too confident. He likes to joke, his jokes can sometimes be very inapropriate and dirty. Even above all else he likes sexual innuendo. To Jake he appeared as a cool guy who knew what he wanted and while being nice he's not 'sugar-y' and he has a temper to match his mutant gifts and verbal skills. It was the very first mutant Jake has ever encountered and it was he who explained him what mutants really are. He told him about X-Gene, mutations and mutant organizations, including institutes for young mutants such as the one they have created recently with his friend Dream. Illusive Man, as he is called as a mutant, approached Jake to help him with controling his empathy and to ask him for help for his best friend, Emmanuel Sin whose mind has been shattered by another powerful psionic mutant. He seems to really care about Emmanuel's well-being - probably because they are lovers.

Whiteverse Database Husk04

Dream Dayspring

Dream is another mutant Jake has met in his new home, the Academy for Gifted Youngsters - for mutants, just like him. She is the other advisor (the first being Jason), as well as a teacher. She is a beautiful woman in her late twenties, tall and slim, with long blond hair, deep green eyes and a model silhoutte. She usually wears red clothes, like sleveless shirts and short skirts. She tries to look both official and sexy at the same time... and she accomplishes just that.
Ms Dayspring seems to be more reserved and serious than Jason. She takes the whole 'teacher thing' more seriously and doesn't share her fellow teacher's sense of humor (or at least pretends not to). While strict and serious, she is nice to her students... unless they misbehave. It seems that Dream's power is an ability to project a fiery astral form of herself. This astral form's attacks are very painful to psychic-sensitive mutants, like Emmanuel or Jake himself.

Last edited by Erik on Thu May 13, 2010 9:00 am; edited 4 times in total
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Age : 33

Whiteverse Database Empty
PostSubject: Re: Whiteverse Database   Whiteverse Database EmptyWed Apr 28, 2010 5:57 am


Whiteverse Database AndyRoddickHairstyle3

Erik Polanski

Erik is a young mutant Jake has met in the mansion. He is the only other mutant around his age living there at the moment. He looks younger than Jake, one or two years younger most probably. Erik comes from Poland and so it's clearly hearable in his thick Eastern European accent. He speaks English pretty well, though he sometimes has to think about some words before saying it aloud. He is tall and slim, not really muscled, as if only recently did he start doing anything to improve his physical condition (and appearance too). He is no hunk like Jake himself, that's for sure! He's got big hazel eyes and short light brown faux-hawk. Even though he didn't have much time to get to know him, Jake has already discovered that he is extremely shy and very nervous around the empathic jock. He doesn't know why it is so - perhaps his mutation makes him feel deeply uncomfortable or perhaps it's something else entirely.
His mutant powers include self-regeneration and psychic ability to heal and energize other sentient beings. Jake has had a pleasure of feeling it on himself... and it felt truly awesome! With a mere touch Erik was able to heal all the bruises and scratches and even make the long-healed scars disappear, leaving Jake with this undescribable feeling of energy rushing inside of him. It was as if his body actually felt a great relief and through it a great amount of pleasure. His power is limited in that he has to touch the site of injury to heal it. He can't heal through clothes or any other matter which is not his target's body. The other downside of his ability is that Erik actually takes his target's injuries and wounds over and so Jake's scars and bruises appeared on the Pole's slim body! He ensured him, however, that it was nothing he couldn't handle as his power of self-regeneration would take care of it.
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