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 Jake Robinson (CAD)

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Posts : 697
Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 33

Jake Robinson (CAD) Empty
PostSubject: Jake Robinson (CAD)   Jake Robinson (CAD) EmptyFri Apr 23, 2010 12:40 pm

Jake Robinson (CAD) O_PPxcNS6hzd9OmXf

Jacob Jake Robinson

Real name: Jacob Robinson
Nicknames: Jake
Species: Mutant
Gender: Male
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White
Height: 6’0’’
Weight: 160 lbs.
Distinguishing marks: None
Occupation: Student
Legal status: No criminal history
Identity: Public
Nationality: American
Place of birth: Seattle, WA
Age: 17
Marital status: Single
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Known relatives: Harold Robinson (Father), Melinda Robinson (Mother), David Robinson (Brother; 21 years old)
Group affiliation: None
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Posts : 697
Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 33

Jake Robinson (CAD) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Robinson (CAD)   Jake Robinson (CAD) EmptyFri Apr 23, 2010 1:07 pm

Jacob Jake Robinson

Intelligence: 2
Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Speed: 2
Health: 2
Energy Reserve: 3
Stamina: 3

Health: 2
Energy: 15
Regeneration: 3

Close Combat 2
(Strength bonus or Weapon modifier; Boxing specialty, Wrestling specialty)

Journalism 2
(Intelligence bonus; Photography specialty, Writing specialty)

Social Skills 3
(Attractive emphasis, Jock specialty, Teenager culture specialty)

Sportstar 3
(Agility bonus; Acrobatics, Showmanship at AN; Baseball specialty, Football specialty, Swimming specialty)

Empathy 2
(Intelligence bonus; Telepathy, Empathy, Cannot read minds, Bonding, Empathic projection [any emotion], Control others, Power is addictive; Astral mastery [Unlimited manipulation of Astral Plane, Ruby form, Astral weapon])

Empathic Mimicry 3
(Can mimic superpowers of the last mutant Jake has bonded with up to their AN/MN or your AN in this Action, whichever is lower; at GM's discretion you get CL of options equal to your AN; if the Action comes with an Ability bonus or Weapon modifier, you may use the same bonus; when copying a modifier, stones spent stay in the Action box until you re-allocate them into another power; you may copy multiple powers by splitting stones)

Wealth: 1
Charisma: (+1) to Social Skills
Empathic awareness: 1
(Can apply it as a modifier to Empathy if channeling those strong emotions; Sense strong emotions in immediate vicinity, May become overwhelmed by strong emotions)
Precognitive flashes

Mutant, human appearance
Compulsion to stick up for underdog
Disliked by those who are jealous of his increasing fame
Secret (closeted gay)
Thrill seeker
Vulnerable loved ones (Jake’s family)

Last edited by Erik on Fri May 14, 2010 3:08 pm; edited 15 times in total
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Posts : 384
Join date : 2010-04-09

Jake Robinson (CAD) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Robinson (CAD)   Jake Robinson (CAD) EmptySat Apr 24, 2010 6:17 am

Lines of Experience earned: 50 + (4)
  • Issue #1 - Desires Within - 10
  • Issue #2 - Emotional Breakdown - 8
  • Issue #3 - Energize Me - 6
  • Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - 10
  • Issue #5 - Power Surge - 6
  • Issue #6 - All Things Astral - (4)
  • Issue #7 - Gemini - 10

Lines of Experience spent: 50 + (4)
  • 10 - Improve Stamina from 2 to 3
  • 10 - Improve Empathy from 1 to 2
  • 14+(3) - Put towards Control Others *COMPLETE*
  • 16 - Improve Empathic Mimicry
  • (1) - Psi of the Highest Order

Last edited by Jake on Tue May 25, 2010 1:50 am; edited 3 times in total
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Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 33

Jake Robinson (CAD) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Robinson (CAD)   Jake Robinson (CAD) EmptyThu May 13, 2010 4:42 pm

Empathic Mimicry

Emmanuel Sin (White King)
  • Telekinesis (Intelligence bonus; Stun option, Force field, Flight)
  • Telepathy (Intelligence bonus; Read minds, Empathy, Telepathic communication, Create links)

  • Psi of the Highest Order
  • Psi-sight (Enhanced vision: auras, emotions, psionic waves)
  • Sense mutants (Can telepathically analyze detected mutants' powers)

Last edited by Erik on Fri May 14, 2010 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 697
Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 33

Jake Robinson (CAD) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Robinson (CAD)   Jake Robinson (CAD) EmptyFri May 14, 2010 3:22 pm

Mentored Actions:
  • Social Skills
  • Empathy

Mentored Modifiers:
  • Psi of the Highest Order

Last edited by Erik on Fri May 14, 2010 3:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 697
Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 33

Jake Robinson (CAD) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Robinson (CAD)   Jake Robinson (CAD) EmptyFri May 14, 2010 3:23 pm

+2 CL = Control Minds
This option allows you to seize control over the weak-minded, forcing them to act as you please. Resolving mind control involves 4 steps:

1. Overcoming Mental Defense
To initiate mind control, a telepath must allocate stones and choose a target as usual.

a) Stones of Telepathy are compared to the target's total mental defense (Intelligence + Telepathy AN + Mental Defense modifier). Stones of attack in excess of mental defense should be noted, as they represent the Difficulty and Resistance to escape mental control:

Difficulty cannot exceed your Telepathy AN
Resistance can be piled up to infinity

b) If the attack is successful, the victim loses any actions they may have left to resolve in the same Page. Any stones spent on those lost actions are refunded.

2. Maintaining Control

Victims are not necessarily helpless; depending on the strength of the telepath, they might have a chance to fight back. However, the telepath may choose tighten their grip on the victim:

a) At the start of each of your subsequent Panels, the victim may struggle against your mental shackles if his Intelligence (or Telepathy AN, if applicable and preferred) meets or exceeds the current Difficulty. If the victim so chooses, subtract his Intelligence (or Telepathy AN) from the bond's Resistance.

b) Subsequently, you may spend stones of Telepathy to pile on more Resistance and Difficulty. Subtract the victim's mental defense as usual; however, you may ignore their Mental Defense modifier, if any. Any stones in excess add to Difficulty and Resistance. (Remember, the maximum Difficulty is equal to your Telepathy AN.)

c) If at the end of your Panel the Resistance is reduced to 0 or less, telepathic control is broken, and the victim may act again as normal on the next Page.

d) You must spend at least 1 stone of upkeep in Telepathy each page in order to maintain mind control, even if your victim can no longer struggle against you.

3. Weakening Resistance

The following factors may also reduce Resistance:

a) Bleed-off: At the start of every Page, the Resistance drops by 1.

b) Pain: For each White stone of health the victim loses, reduce Resistance by 3. Example: The Purifier captain is slapped by one of his ballsy subordinates in an effort to rouse him from the mental control. The attack exceeds his Defense by 1 red stone; he loses 1 white and consequently, the Resistance of the mind control drops by 3 stones.

c) Morality: Each time the victim is forced to do something strongly against their nature (attacking a friend, hurting a loved one, suicidal behaviour), the GM may choose to reduce the Resistance by 1 to 5 stones, depending on the severity of the act. This reduction takes place immediately, before the act is carried out; if this reduces the Resistance to 0 or less, the bond breaks instantly and the action is not performed.

d) Reason: A friend or ally of the victim may attempt to talk them out of their mental prison. Stones of Social Skills or Psychiatry are compared to the Difficulty of the mental control; any stones in excess of the Difficulty are taken out of the Resistance. Allies with a powerful connection to the victim (family member, lover, best friend) may benefit from a situational modifier.

4. Controlling the Victim
While mental control is unbroken, you may decide how the victim acts:

a) You may allocate the victim's own stones into their Action Boxes as you please. The maximum number of stones you may allocate in this fashion per panel is equal to the Resistance you have piled up.

Example: Emma Frost has Telepathy 8 with an Int bonus of 4. She attempts to mentally control a Purifier captain, who has an Int of 3 and a Mental Defense modifier of 3 (thanks to an anti-telepathy chip implant). Emma acts first and allocates 8 stones into her attack, dealing 2 "damage" and gaining control. The Purifier captain loses his actions (his stones are refunded) and stands motionless like a zombie when his panel comes up.

At the start of the second Page, one point of Resistance "bleeds off". Additionally, the Purifier captain can now try to struggle out of his telepathic bonds. The Difficulty of the mental control is 2 and the Resistance is down to only 1. His Int of 3 is higher than the current Difficulty, so the Resistance falls to -2. The mental bond will break at this rate, unless Emma tightens her grip!

And that's exactly what she does. Not one to take chances, Emma Frost spends another 9 stones of telepathy (1 stone of upkeep, and 8 stones of attack). The Purifier's Mental Defense modifier no longer applies (since she's already breached his defenses), so only the Purifier's Int 3 counts as defense against the attack. 5 stones get through. The Difficulty increases to 7 and the Resistance both increases from -2 to 3. Because the Difficulty is so high, the Purifier is now helplessly ensnared.

Now Emma is free to control the Purifier as she pleases. Since the Resistance is 3, she may allocate up to 3 stones of the Purifier's own energy into any Action she pleases. She puts 2 of his stones into Ranged Combat (+3 for the captain's assault rifle) and targets one of the captain's own men. The GM assigns a circumstance bonus of 1 stone for such a surprise attack!
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Jake Robinson (CAD)
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