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 Issue #8 - Trinity

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Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 32

Issue #8 - Trinity Empty
PostSubject: Issue #8 - Trinity   Issue #8 - Trinity EmptyTue May 18, 2010 2:31 am

Issue #8 - Trinity

Reason, observation, and experience; the holy trinity of science.
Robert Green Ingersoll

It was yesterday that Jake had used his empathic power to overcome a mutant's psyche. He pushed his own into the other's and dominated it by sheer feat of will! He had never felt so powerful... and yet, it was all nothing compared to what he felt when he was merged with the twins. The psychic twins, Mark and Matt Woods, had joined the Psions, because as they said they were all brothers - they were one. They were Three-in-One, with Jake as the central one to their existance, the final piece, the missing brother. It was nice to feel like this, even though he still felt a bit unease merging like that with them. His power made sure that he could copy their gifts and together they were able to dominate even White Queen! Even Sin had trouble with that one and as it seemed with an added third brother the twins were the psychic triplets now... and they were capable of amazing stunts of telepathy! Thanks to Jake's own empathy power he also could influence the other two through the psychic bond they shared. Normally no one should have an advantage over the other, but with his mutant power of empathy he could influence them - not really control, but send them emotions that manipulated them into doing what he wanted.

His own pair of psychic twins.

And he was a part of it too.

Erik was still resting in his room after recovering from all the injuries that had been dealt to him, while Jake sat in the twins' room and talked to them in their strange 'twin-speech' methode, but before they could talk about anything really, Emmanuel entered the room, smiling.

Come, all of you. We need to practice your telepathic connection.

Last edited by Erik on Mon May 31, 2010 3:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 384
Join date : 2010-04-09

Issue #8 - Trinity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #8 - Trinity   Issue #8 - Trinity EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 2:49 am

Jake couldn't believe everything that had happened in the last few days. It seemed like years ago, and it seemed like it had just happened - and it had just happened! Things had changed so much in less than a week.

And his new friends, his twins. They were both cute. That could prove to be fun for sure. Very fun, even.

Jake lay on Matt's bed, leaning against the headboard as they talked. They didn't say a lot, and half of it was spoke, half of it was telepathy. Some things they didn't need to say at all, really. It felt kind of odd.

Then Emmanuel came in.

Jake looked up to greet him. More training? Already? Normally Jake would have hated that, school constantly. Tests. Learning.

But this.. this wasn't school. It was power, and he was eager.

Already? Well, I guess we're ready.

Jake grinned, glancing to the twins and back to Emmanuel.
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Join date : 2010-04-09
Age : 32

Issue #8 - Trinity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #8 - Trinity   Issue #8 - Trinity EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 2:52 am

Good. Follow me to my office then.
Emmanuel smirked as he turned around and began leading the way for the three young mutants. The twins didn't say anything, but even without any word spoken... or any thought sent for that matter... Jake knew that they were as eager to learn how to better use their telepathy as he was. It seemed that they were so similar... and yet, even now, in this strange connection, Jake felt that he was the stronger one... that he was the strongest of the three. Was it because of his additional powers, or simply his personality, remained a secret.

In the office, Emmanuel showed everyone the armchairs and when every mutant was ready, he smiled at them... but behind that pretty smile there was something sinister. He would test them... and he wasn't going to let them win, even in this strange connection. But Jake... felt stronger than ever, now that he had his own psychic twins to help him.

So, are you ready? We're going to enter Astral Plane... Jake and I have already had some training on it, but the twins could use some help. Jake, would you show them how to enter it? Of course, if you haven't forgotten that easily... thinking about something else.
He smirked.
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Posts : 384
Join date : 2010-04-09

Issue #8 - Trinity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #8 - Trinity   Issue #8 - Trinity EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 3:07 am

Jake followed Emmanuel with the twins, the pair of them staying close to Jake on either side, just a little behind.

As they got to the office, Jake took a seat with the twins nearby and he returned Emmanuel's smile. He felt confident. Not only in his own power, but now with the twins. Emmanuel's comment about remembering how to do it didn't even phase him, and he just smirked wider.

He looked to each twin, they knew he'd show them, and he reached out a hand towards each of them as he looked towards Emmanuel.

Not a problem.


Health 2/2
Energy 15/15

Action 1 - 4 into Empathy + Int to astrally project

Health 2/2
Energy 11/15
Defense 0
Mental defense 4 (Intelligence 2, Empathy 2)
Useful modifiers: Empathic Awareness 1
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