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 Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby

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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 3:54 pm

Jake was glad that Emmanuel finally touched him, and things faded away again, this time to a strange place. A jungle? tropical forest? Something. It definitely wasn't any fancy ball, that was for sure.

Jake listed as they argued, frowning a little. Luckily, Emmanuel spoke up, giving each of them a specific task and all of them accepted his orders. He must be leading this small group.

Crouching down near the trees and bushes, Jake sat back and watched for now, curious and thinking that this might be a bad time to simply talk up to them. He'd have to wait for a chance to approach Emmanuel when it was safe.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 4:15 pm

It certainly wasn't safe out there. Emmanuel's group was all on their toes. Marvel Girl concentrated, helped telepathically by her teacher, and tried to locate someone. As she used her telepathy, the temperature around her rose. Her whole body was now surrounded by a corona of fire... the very same Anastacia used not so long ago! This one here seemed to control the power better - perhaps because it wasn't in the middle of the battle? Jake felt that longing for this power... this absolutely awesome power! He wanted it so much... it was almost reaching out to him, calling out his name... or was it? Was it driving him crazy? Or something else entirely? She smiled as she opened her eyes, "They're twenty kilometres to the left. I don't know what'cha doin' though."

"Okay, Magik, prepare to warp this area. 19 kilometres to the left. Slowly, carefully. Blob, Burst, Gravity, you are all to be ready for assault. Marvel Girl, are you okay?" Emmanuel asked the redhead, but she only smirked in return, "Yep, boss. Never been bettah."

"Sir..." the Russian girl chimed in, "I can't... warp it. Something's not..."

"WATCH OUT!" Marvel Girl yelled, as she erected a shield around them. She wasn't fast enough. None of them were. Even Emmanuel. With horror he realized that the blast - which actually came out of nowhere! - hit Burst, piercing his body and knocking him to the ground... dead. There was a big hole in his chest. "Burst!" Emmanuel screamed out and got everyone protected using a force field. "Marvel Girl, assist me! Gravity, gravity shield and reverse gravity!"


A pink-skinned girl appeared before them, but only for a second. Blink. "Magik, she's a teleporter! Warp her out!"

"I can't sir! My powers... ahahahh!" the girl screamed in pain as a pinkish javelin cut through her arm. Blood. "Aahaahhh!!"

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Gravity.


There were more of them. With two of Emmanuel's students out - one permanently, and the other only was now in such a powerful shock, she couldn't use her powers anyway - two other figures appeared in a flash of pinkish light. "Kill these S.H.I.E.L.D dogs, my Acolytes." A grey-skinned man with a diamond on his forehead spoke, motioning at the children. His companions - the pink-skinned, red-haired teleporter disappeared again, while the other one - a feral-looking man whose blond hair was long as a lion's, smiled, revealing his teeth. "With pleasure, master." He said and lunged at the young mutants!

Emmanuel was quicker however as he blasted the beast with a telekinetic blast strong enough to break every human's bones. The lifeless body of the mutant hit the ground... only to rise again. "Ahh, I don't like it when ya break my neck." He said and roared in a terrifying manner. "Gravity, keep him down!" Hearing those words, the eldest of the group focussed all his powers on the feral mutant and increased the strength of the gravity on the guy, essentially not letting him move a muscle!

"This is pointless." The gray-skinned man sighed and levitated in the air, not participating in the battle. "You shouldn't have come. You S.H.I.E.L.D dogs never learn. Perhaps it's high time you changed your mannerisms?" He said and with no emotion showing on his face, waved his hand, lifting Blob and throwing him in the air as if he weighted nothing at all!

"Marvel Girl..." Emmanuel nodded to her and the girl called out for all her power.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 4:40 pm

Jake listened as the group planned their.. assault? But on who?

Either way, he was impressed. They were young, yet obviously so well trained, it was rather amazing. But then he saw the power again, like what Anastacia had wielded, only this time by a different girl. Jake wanted it, he wanted to pull it into himself. He could do so much with it. So many things..

But then the attack came. Jake's eyes widened as he watched a man killed right in front him - again. He'd never seen things like what he had seen in Emmanuel's past. So much death. Jake wasn't sure how to handle it all.

Then the strange man arrived, along with the man that reminded Jake of a lion. Jake remained hidden as he watched. The team fought very well, amazingly so, they were so well trained.

As the strange man lifted blob up and tossed him like he weighed nothing, Jake barely held in a gasp. He turned and watched Marvel Girl, waiting to see what she'd do.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 5:00 pm


Two more opponents appeared on the battlefield. A very tall, at least at least 9 feet tall man with black hair, dressed in torn jeans and t-shirt charged at Gravity, trying to break the boy's gravity-manipulation field in which the lion-man was imprisoned. He had no chance. No chance at all. If not for Emmanuel's timely intervention, he would have been dead. But no, his teacher rose in the air and with a wave of his hand shattered the gigantic man's bones, sending him to the ground and then with another wave of hand, he caught the leader of the attacking team in his telekinetic grasp. He moved pressure on the man's neck, "Call them off or I'll snap your neck!" Emmanuel threatened, extending his will on the Astral plane, trying to influence the man. He didn't agree, however.

"You're even stupider than you look." He commented emotionlessly and Emmanuel had no other choice. He snapped his neck telekinetcally, killing the man. His lifeless body dropped to the ground. His troops didn't back off however. Marvel Girl saw that the other man who was teleported just a moment ago was trying to attack her psionically. She wielded power beyond his dreams! "I'll fuckin' show ya psionics, ya sonuva!" She swore as she surrounded herself with a phoenix-like corona of fire and then blasted a stream of flames from her fingertips. These flames not only engulfed the man, but also destroyed a lot of the land around! Then she simply smiled and... disintegrated him! The girl laughed at the destruction she had just caused!


Gravity's lifeless body lay on the ground. "Wh-what?" Emmanuel shook his head. The teleporter struck again! If not for his precognitive flashes, he would have been crushed under Blob's teleported body! He quickly dodged, accelerating and pushing himself away thanks to his telekinesis. Blob appeared out of nowhere, he was dead - with a lot of holes in his body. Blood and his internal organs were all over the grass.

"Oh my fuckin' God!" The redhead swore as she saw her friend's massacred body!

The gray-skinned man rose from the ground, smiling. "Finish this, my child." He said. Blink.

Emmanuel was hit by the pinkish javelin! Instead of hurting him, however, it teleported him to where the leader stood. He quickly touched Mr. Sin and used his own power to disrupt the telepath's neuro-processes. "I won't let you die. You will watch them die... one by one." He smiled devilishly, as the lion-look-alike jumped at the Russian girl and ran her through with his incredibly sharp claws! "Aaah!" She let out a sigh and passed out.

"Nooo! I've never wanna this, you fuckin' furr-bal! I hate ya Sin! D'ya hear meh?!" His last student yelled as she exploded with all her fiery powers, burning the feral mutant right to the bones! "I AM THE LIFE AND DEATH INCARNATE! I AM THE PHOENIX!" She screamed as she directed her blasts at both the gray-skinned mutant and Emmanuel.


Her blast was redirected by a portal created by the pink-skinned teleporter. The flames hit the redhead. She began screaming as a pinkish javelin chopped her right arm off! "AHAHAHH!!!"

"Go now. Never again interfere with the Acolytes."


Marvel Girl dropped to the ground.


Emmanuel dropped to his knees.


He was alone.


Surrounded only by his dead students. "No..." He cried out before tears started to run down his face.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 5:06 pm

Jake watched it all happen, his face frozen in horror as one by one they were all killed. He could do nothing to stop it. They all radiated such power, Jake knew he was insignificant in comparison. Charging in would just get him killed faster than he could blink.

Still, his heart ached, however, as he saw Emmanuel there alone on the ground, his dead companions all around.

Slowly, Jake got to his feet and walked slowly towards Emmanuel, trying not to look at the carnage and dead bodies around him. As he got closer, he knelt in front of the blonde. He wasn't sure quite what he could say. "I'm sorry.." was all he could get out, his force a whisper as he gently reached out, his fingers just barely touching Emmanuel's cheek.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 5:12 pm

Jake approached the crying Emmanuel who didn't even care... He didn't even look up to see who said those meaningless words. The young mutant touched his cheek and gathered another part of the man's psyche. He was getting closer to getting the whole picture. Or was he?

It all changed. Once again Jake was in a dark, half-lit room... actually, it was the very same room he saw Emmanuel and Dream! He heard someone opening the door, so he hid once again behind the door, just like the very first time he was here. He wondered if this was the same situation or something else?
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 5:13 pm

Jake sighed softly as he touched Emmanuel, feeling sorry for all that he had gone through. As things faded and he found himself in the bedroom once more, he looked around, frowning a little. Why was he back here? Was it all going to happen again?

He quickly hid himself behind the door like he had the first time, waiting to see who entered.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 5:16 pm

Jake heard two voices - this time they were both men. And he knew them both... Emmanuel and Jason walked into the room and not even looking at anything around, they began to kiss. Jason touched the other man's crouch with his hand and kissed him passionately. Emmanuel responded with an even more fiery kiss as he pushed the man on the bed, smiling seductively.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 5:23 pm

Jake's eyes widened as he watched the pair. He could feel the lust in the room. It was way hotter to him than what had happened with Dream and Emmanuel. But he couldn't just wait this time, he didn't want to watch or he might.. be too excited.

Instead as Emmanuel pushed Jason onto the bed, Jake softly cleared his throat. He had so wanted to watch.. but right now, after all he'd seen, he didn't think he could.

He knew what had happened last time, and he tried to brace himself for an attack, even though he knew it would be mostly useless.

Jake concentrated as hard as he could, calling forth the ruby form that had protected him before, using all of the emotion in the room to help channel it. Maybe it would help this time.

"Excuse me, umm Emmanuel Sin? I.. I was sent here to see you, I need to talk to you."

Health 1/2
Energy 15/15

Action 1 - 4 +1 from Empathic Awareness into Empathy to activate his ruby form

Health 1/2
Energy 11/15
Defense 0
Mental defense 9 (Intelligence 2, Empathy 2, 5 Ruby Form)
Useful modifiers: Empathic Awareness 1
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 5:27 pm

"Wait..." Emmanuel looked around, "Who's here?" He asked, trying to pierce the darkness with his mind's eye. Jason quickly broke their physical contact, not really embarassed, but somehow confused. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" Sin looked at the ruby-skinned boy with surprise.

"I'd also like you to tell me... how did you get here?!" Jason added.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyWed May 12, 2010 5:34 pm

Jake held out how ruby hands as if to show he was unarmed, looking at Emmanuel and Jason.

"It is hard to explain," he said, and he really didn't know how to explain it.

He looked towards Jason first. "I.. I kind of was teleported here. I'm not a teleporter, though. But I guess you could say that you kind of sent me here, Jason. Another version of you. To find Emmanuel."

Then he looked towards Emmanuel, "Please believe me. I was sent back here to help you. My name is Jake. And I live here, with Jason, but not.. here." He sighed, "I don't know how to explain it. But I can kind of show you. I'm here to help.. you can tell that, right? If you look in my head?"

Jake winced slightly, and grinned wryly, "Just please don't attack like last time I accidentally surprised you." He let his ruby form drop, and took a couple steps towards Emmanuel, offering out his hand cautiously, as if afraid again of what Emmanuel might do.

Health 1/2
Energy 14/15

Action 1 - 3 into social skills to convince them to let him touch Emmanuel

Health 1/2
Energy 11/15
Defense 0
Mental defense 4 (Intelligence 2, Empathy 2)
Useful modifiers: Empathic Awareness 1
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Age : 33

Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 12:42 am

"You were teleported here somewhow, because you were sent by Jake to help me?" Emmanuel said, a smile on his face. "I thought that the Acolytes would train their recruits better..." He scolded, catching the young mutant in a powerful telekinetic grasp and lifting him above the ground. He sent him a stern glare and suddenly put him back on the floor as if nothing happened. He turned to Jason and gave him a smile.

The redhead approached Jake, and in no time he was kissing him!
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 12:48 am

Jake struggled a little as Emmanuel held him telekinetically, "Stop, please.. I'm telling the truth. You don't understand.."

But the next thing he knew, Jason was walking towards him, and began kissing him. Jake struggled a little at first, but then let Jason do as he pleased, finding himself turned on even as he waited for it to be over so he could try to explain more to Emmanuel.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 12:51 am

"Enjoying yourself?" came Emmanuel's voice. His tone changed, he wasn't angry, nor shocked, nor annoyed, he was seductive. "I can feel you do." He smiled, pulling his cock out and playing with it, while Jason continued to kiss the teenager. His tongue quickly invaded his mouth, his kiss was passionate and almost fiery. His hands were moving over his body, caressing his back, ass, legs, crouch...
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 12:53 am

Jake let out a loud moan as Jason continued to work him over, and his hands found their way to Jason's body, feeling his strong muscles, his cock painful in his tight pants.

Eventually he broke the kiss, looking past Jason to Emmanuel, "This isn't.. right. You don't understand.. I was sent to help." His eyes locked on to Emmanuel's cock, and Jake stared at it hungrily.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 12:55 am

"Of course, you will help me... us, in one way or another." Emmanuel smiled at him, still stroking his cock slowly. Jason smirked at Jake a bit and then put his hand on his crouch, squeezing it a bit! He grinned and pulled in for another kiss.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 12:57 am

Jake groaned loudly in pleasure as Jason squeezed his crotch. His hips pushed it against Jason's hand, demanding more attention.

Still, Jake looked towards Emmanuel, licking his lips as Emmanuel stroked his cock, "So hot.." Jake gave Emmanuel a smoldering look, "Come join us over here.."
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:00 am

"Not just yet, Jake. Wait patiently..." Emmanuel smirked, as he locked gaze with the boy, amplifying the young mutant's desires telepathically! Jason, however, didn't stop and he quickly got down to his knees and looked up to meet his lover's gaze. He slowly undid Jake's pants and then licked his cock through boxer briefs. His gigantic ruby cock!
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:03 am

Jake shook his head as Emmanuel refused him. "Please.. I need you," he said, beckoning towards Emmanuel as he gave another moan.

But as Jason undid his pants and gave his cock a lick through his pants, Jake left out a soft moan and whimper, "Fuck.." he murmured, his cock so hard. He felt the lust in his room, and his own lust. He took the emotions and poured them into Jason. "Take it out and suck it," he demanded.

Health 1/2
Energy 15/15

Action 1 - 4 into Empathy + Int + 1 modifier = 5 to make Jason extra lustful

Health 1/2
Energy 11/15
Defense 0
Mental defense 9 (Intelligence 2, Empathy 2, 5 Ruby Form)
Useful modifiers: Empathic Awareness 1
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:06 am

Emmanuel shook his head and silently watched as the scene before him unfolded. Jason, who was now even more lustful and would probably do anything Jake ordered him, left a soft moan as the waves of empathic pleasure raced through his body. He put the cock out and squeezed it. He looked up to meet the boy's gaze and silently adored the giant! It was even bigger than normally, because of being more dense thanks to Jake's ruby form! "Oh yeah, I'll give you a night you won't quickly forget, ruby boy." He said, licking his balls and then his whole shaft.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:08 am

Jake growled loudly in pleasure, staring at Emmanuel as Jason worshipped his throbbing cock. He tilted his head back, moaning as Jason licked it. But Jake wanted more, he wanted the hot wetness of Jason's mouth. So he reached down, putting a hand in Jason's hair and tilting his head back, then fed his red cock into Jason's mouth, pushing it right down his throat.
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:11 am

Emmanuel really enjoyed sight of his lover on his knees and servicing another guy. He was smiling and moaning silently, as his hand accelerated the rate at which he masturbated. Jason, influenced by Jake's emotions and his encouragment, took the monster down his throat. And boy, how he accomplished that Jake had no idea! He simply put it into his mouth, first the tip and then he just... slid it in! "Jason's the best cocksucker I've ever had." The telepath complimented the redhead, while the one in question continued to deepthroat the ruby empath!
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:14 am

Jason groaned loudly. "Holy fuck," he said. The guy was even better than Andrew. It was so good, felt so good sliding into that tight throat. He was so horny. He felt powerful, too, having Jason here on his knees in front of him. He grinned down at him, sliding his cock out of Jason's mouth and rubbing it all over Jason's face before shoving it deep into his throat again.

He looked towards Emmanuel and grinned, "He's good.. real good." Jake then reached out with his power again, this time towards Emmanuel, wanting to turn him on even more.

Health 1/2
Energy 14/15

Action 1 - 4 into Empathy + Int + 1 modifier = 5 to turn Emmanuel on

Health 1/2
Energy 10/15
Defense 0
Mental defense 9 (Intelligence 2, Empathy 2, 5 Ruby Form)
Useful modifiers: Empathic Awareness 1
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:17 am

Jake didn't really know if his power had affected Emmanuel, but he let out a silent moan and then moved to Jason. "On all fours." He ordered him, and the redhead changed position, still deep throating the young mutant. The telepath pulled the illusionist's pants down and brutally pushed his cock inside his ass! "Aahhhh!" He yelled, his scream weakened by the cock he had down his throat. He began moaning wildly...
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Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby   Issue #4 - Diamond and Ruby - Page 4 EmptyThu May 13, 2010 1:20 am

Jake watched, getting more and more turned on as the scene unfolded. Jason got down on his hands and knees, still sucking Jake's massive cock, and Emmanuel came over and got behind him, ramming into him.

It was more than Jake's inexperience could take, it was too hot. With a loud groan he started to cum, shooting a massive geyser down Jason's throat, so much that some had to spill out. As he came, he ran his hands through Jason's hair, down his back, and out towards Emmanuel, trying to touch him.
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